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Build a better planet with us!

We are an NGO organization that has our planet's well-being and the spread of environmental awareness at heart. We focus on three main areas of work: education, science, and gardens. Check out our projects and get infected with the love of nature.

Let's meet and create something together!

What we do?

Edible Landscape

The aim of the project is to integrate, activate and educate local communities of suburbs near Olsztyn (the commune of Gietrzwałd, Stawiguda, and Purda). We implement 10 open, social dining gardens - places of neighborhood integration, created together with the residents. During the project, there will also be lectures and gardening workshops. We will look for inspiration and good role models... in Iceland! We conduct a campaign on social media regarding the issue of social gardens, we record educational films translated into English, Icelandic, and Polish Sign Language.

The project is funded by the program Active Citizens - National Fund financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway as part of the EEA Grants.

Forest Educational Glade "Permaculture Station"

Forest Educational Glade "Permaculture Station" is an educational utility and ornamental garden at the Foundation's headquarters. We hold workshops, lectures, and exhibitions here. We record educational films and create social and educational campaigns here. The project is primarily addressed to gardening enthusiasts who have their own gardens and want to learn how to manage them with the least possible negative environmental impact.


The aim of the pan-European campaign OurFood.OurFuture was to mobilize young people of the European Union to change their consumption behavior and introduce them to the concept of sustainable development. In the educational films we have made, we show how with a little effort, you can support places selling local food; we teach that weeds and trees can successfully replace lettuce or spinach; we suggest how to build your own vegetable garden next to the house or on the balcony. 

OurFood.OurFuture campaign advocates systemic change - so that the way we eat does not contribute to global problems such as climate change among others.


Let's build something special together!

We are open to cooperation - we conduct a wide range of activities, from creating school gardens through lectures and workshops to educational campaigns. We encourage local government units, schools, and educational institutions, universities, NGOs, individuals, companies, and businesses to contact us.


Check out all our projects and stay up to date by following our social media ❤



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